baratomott's Page Revisions

The following are all of baratomott's page revisions, ordered from most to least recent.

#273 17 May 2023, 23:34:09 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 924 (+22) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Dominic","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Minor Character","Gen2"]}
#272 17 May 2023, 23:33:41 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 928 (+22) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Anthony Jr.","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Minor Character","Gen2"]}
#271 17 May 2023, 23:31:32 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 14769 (+15) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":"Vince, Vin, Vinny","Alias":null,"Age":"24","Birthday":"October 4","Height":"5'9\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male, he\/him","Sexuality":{"3":"1"},"Nationality":"US American","Race":"White Latino","Occupation":"Restaurant Manager","Theme":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=61Wm_qlVD4Q\">Brother<\/a> \/ <a href=\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=XleOkGsYgO8\">Move Along<\/a>","Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":"<p>Somewhat conservative, Serious, Overly-critical<\/p>\r\n<p>Vincent is a rather mild person on the surface, with years of customer service work being responsible for his performative passive nature. He comes off as nervous around strangers, but is still generally friendly and agreeable. At home, he is more domineering. Having grown up Catholic, his religion influences many of his values, leading him to harbor slightly bigoted ideas. He has a habit of suppressing his feelings, resulting in emotional outbursts when he's stressed, which are primarily directed at his rebellious younger brother, [[Valentine]], who causes him the most frustration. Vincent has good intentions but he is often stubborn and tactless in delivery. He hopes to mend his strained relationship with his brother some time in the future.<\/p>","EarlyLife":"<p>Vincent was the first born to two relatively young, newlywed parents. At the time, due to his mother being a new Nicaraguan immigrant, speaking limited English and having few technical skills, it was difficult for her to find a job in their residential area. This left Vincent's father as the only working member of the household. As a result, their living situation was quite modest; they could afford the necessities but there was often little margin for extra luxuries. Despite that, Vincent and his parents were a loving family in a supportive community. The three often attended church together and used religion as a coping mechanism when they faced financial hardships.<\/p>\r\n<p>Vincent naturally learned Spanish from his mother, and to a lesser extent, from his father who spoke mainly English but knew enough Spanish to communicate with his wife. Vincent often excelled in academics throughout primary and elementary school to his parent's delight. Vincent and his mother would also do the chores and cooking to take the burden off of his father while he worked during the days. He shared a close bond with his mother as he had her undivided attention.<\/p>\r\n<p>By the time Vincent was 6, due to a multitude of external stressors, Vincent's father's behavior began to change in the household, and no matter what Vincent and his mother did for him, it was never enough to satiate his misdirected anger. His behavior was vastly different as he went from a man who doted on his family to a man who bullied his wife and son unprovoked.<\/p>\r\n<p>Vincent tended to be a more docile and softer child, something that his father thought he would grow out of, but when he didn't, he would berate Vincent and try to toughen him up, through a variety of emotional and physical abuse. His mother always tried to protect him, but as a result, the abuse would then be directed towards her.<\/p>\r\n<p>There were periods of time where things were normal but Vincent was always on edge since his father's behavior was never consistent, influenced by their financial situation, alcohol use and a new drug habit. When he was 8, his mother became pregnant with a second child, [[Valentine]]. The physical abuse in the household subsided and was replaced with verbal abuse for a while until after the birth of the baby. The entire time Vincent felt powerless to help his mother and himself.<\/p>\r\n<p>Throughout the years Vincent helped his mother take care of Valentine, especially when she finally started working to help support the household. Unfortunately, at some point she began using drugs under her husband's influence when Vincent was 13, leaving him to look after his 5 year old sibling even more so than normal. The neglect the two began to face ranged from emotional alienation to not having proper food in the home.<\/p>\r\n<p>Vincent had become an angry child over time, and resented both his parents. It wouldn't be until later that he would understand that his mother was still a victim despite the circumstances. When Vincent turned 17, his mother died of a drug induced cardiac arrest\/overdosing, leaving him, his brother and farther in a even more hostile state as Vincent began picking fights with his father, blaming him for his mother's death. Vincent did his best to deter his father from directing any mistreatment towards the then 9 year old Valentine, but as Vincent was forced to get a part time job during his last years of high school, Valentine did experience his father's erratic behavior.<\/p>\r\n<p>At 19, Vincent had saved up enough money to move out of his father's home and took 12 year old Valentine with him, applying to be his legal guardian. Both Vincent and Valentine had quick tempers and had trouble expressing themselves, leading to the two arguing often. The two had a rocky relationship as Vincent was learning how to adapt to raising his brother, being labeled disrespectful by his father and taking care of bills while valentine was going through his rebellious stage. Vincent was particularly hard on Valentine, especially when it came to his schooling and behavior, wanting to keep him out of trouble.<\/p>","Present":"<p>Vincent, now 24, let go of a lot of the anger he harbored from his childhood and tries his best to bond with Valentine and steer him in the right direction, despite Valentine, who is now 17, still being defiant and having a reactionary temper. He understands that Valentine struggles with his mental health, but doesn't know how to address the issue and has developed an avoidant \"out of sight, out of mind\" attitude about it, to his dismay. Vincent feels the only thing he can do for him is to make sure he has a roof over his head and finishes school.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>To Be Continued.<\/strong><\/p>","RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Has a white father and an Indigenous Latina\/Amerindian Nicaraguan mother. He identifies as both Latino and Hispanic interchangeably.<\/li>\r\n<li>Started working at a local pizzeria at 16 and later on became a manager at 21. Got to take home pizza for dinner often.<\/li>\r\n<li>Got a scholarship to attend college for computer sciences during high school but declined the offer to provide for&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/4073085.valentine\">Valentine<\/a>.<\/li>\r\n<li>Vincent and teen age Valentine often got into physical altercations but the two don't hold grudges long.<\/li>\r\n<li>Gets married later on and has 3 children.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Pizza<\/li>\r\n<li>Movies, games, escapism<\/li>\r\n<li>Solitaire<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Lazziness<\/li>\r\n<li>Reckless behavior, irresponsible people<\/li>\r\n<li>Cold weather<\/li>\r\n<li>Spending money<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Vincent Espinosa","parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":"Vince, Vin, Vinny","Alias":null,"Age":"24","Birthday":"October 4","Height":"5'9\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male, he\/him","Sexuality":{"3":"1"},"Nationality":"US American","Race":"White Latino","Occupation":"Restaurant Manager","Theme":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=61Wm_qlVD4Q\">Brother<\/a> \/ <a href=\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=XleOkGsYgO8\">Move Along<\/a>","Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":"<p>Somewhat conservative, Serious, Overly-critical<\/p>\r\n<p>Vincent is a rather mild person on the surface, with years of customer service work being responsible for his performative passive nature. He comes off as nervous around strangers, but is still generally friendly and agreeable. At home, he is more domineering. Having grown up Catholic, his religion influences many of his values, leading him to harbor slightly bigoted ideas. He has a habit of suppressing his feelings, resulting in emotional outbursts when he's stressed, which are primarily directed at his rebellious younger brother, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/6.Valentine\" class=\"text-primary\">Valentine<\/a>, who causes him the most frustration. Vincent has good intentions but he is often stubborn and tactless in delivery. He hopes to mend his strained relationship with his brother some time in the future.<\/p>","EarlyLife":"<p>Vincent was the first born to two relatively young, newlywed parents. At the time, due to his mother being a new Nicaraguan immigrant, speaking limited English and having few technical skills, it was difficult for her to find a job in their residential area. This left Vincent's father as the only working member of the household. As a result, their living situation was quite modest; they could afford the necessities but there was often little margin for extra luxuries. Despite that, Vincent and his parents were a loving family in a supportive community. The three often attended church together and used religion as a coping mechanism when they faced financial hardships.<\/p>\r\n<p>Vincent naturally learned Spanish from his mother, and to a lesser extent, from his father who spoke mainly English but knew enough Spanish to communicate with his wife. Vincent often excelled in academics throughout primary and elementary school to his parent's delight. Vincent and his mother would also do the chores and cooking to take the burden off of his father while he worked during the days. He shared a close bond with his mother as he had her undivided attention.<\/p>\r\n<p>By the time Vincent was 6, due to a multitude of external stressors, Vincent's father's behavior began to change in the household, and no matter what Vincent and his mother did for him, it was never enough to satiate his misdirected anger. His behavior was vastly different as he went from a man who doted on his family to a man who bullied his wife and son unprovoked.<\/p>\r\n<p>Vincent tended to be a more docile and softer child, something that his father thought he would grow out of, but when he didn't, he would berate Vincent and try to toughen him up, through a variety of emotional and physical abuse. His mother always tried to protect him, but as a result, the abuse would then be directed towards her.<\/p>\r\n<p>There were periods of time where things were normal but Vincent was always on edge since his father's behavior was never consistent, influenced by their financial situation, alcohol use and a new drug habit. When he was 8, his mother became pregnant with a second child, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/6.Valentine\" class=\"text-primary\">Valentine<\/a>. The physical abuse in the household subsided and was replaced with verbal abuse for a while until after the birth of the baby. The entire time Vincent felt powerless to help his mother and himself.<\/p>\r\n<p>Throughout the years Vincent helped his mother take care of Valentine, especially when she finally started working to help support the household. Unfortunately, at some point she began using drugs under her husband's influence when Vincent was 13, leaving him to look after his 5 year old sibling even more so than normal. The neglect the two began to face ranged from emotional alienation to not having proper food in the home.<\/p>\r\n<p>Vincent had become an angry child over time, and resented both his parents. It wouldn't be until later that he would understand that his mother was still a victim despite the circumstances. When Vincent turned 17, his mother died of a drug induced cardiac arrest\/overdosing, leaving him, his brother and farther in a even more hostile state as Vincent began picking fights with his father, blaming him for his mother's death. Vincent did his best to deter his father from directing any mistreatment towards the then 9 year old Valentine, but as Vincent was forced to get a part time job during his last years of high school, Valentine did experience his father's erratic behavior.<\/p>\r\n<p>At 19, Vincent had saved up enough money to move out of his father's home and took 12 year old Valentine with him, applying to be his legal guardian. Both Vincent and Valentine had quick tempers and had trouble expressing themselves, leading to the two arguing often. The two had a rocky relationship as Vincent was learning how to adapt to raising his brother, being labeled disrespectful by his father and taking care of bills while valentine was going through his rebellious stage. Vincent was particularly hard on Valentine, especially when it came to his schooling and behavior, wanting to keep him out of trouble.<\/p>","Present":"<p>Vincent, now 24, let go of a lot of the anger he harbored from his childhood and tries his best to bond with Valentine and steer him in the right direction, despite Valentine, who is now 17, still being defiant and having a reactionary temper. He understands that Valentine struggles with his mental health, but doesn't know how to address the issue and has developed an avoidant \"out of sight, out of mind\" attitude about it, to his dismay. Vincent feels the only thing he can do for him is to make sure he has a roof over his head and finishes school.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>To Be Continued.<\/strong><\/p>","RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Has a white father and an Indigenous Latina\/Amerindian Nicaraguan mother. He identifies as both Latino and Hispanic interchangeably.<\/li>\r\n<li>Started working at a local pizzeria at 16 and later on became a manager at 21. Got to take home pizza for dinner often.<\/li>\r\n<li>Got a scholarship to attend college for computer sciences during high school but declined the offer to provide for&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/4073085.valentine\">Valentine<\/a>.<\/li>\r\n<li>Vincent and teen age Valentine often got into physical altercations but the two don't hold grudges long.<\/li>\r\n<li>Gets married later on and has 3 children.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Pizza<\/li>\r\n<li>Movies, games, escapism<\/li>\r\n<li>Solitaire<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Lazziness<\/li>\r\n<li>Reckless behavior, irresponsible people<\/li>\r\n<li>Cold weather<\/li>\r\n<li>Spending money<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Vincent Espinosa"},"links":[{"link_id":6},{"link_id":6}]},"title":"Vincent","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Minor Character"]}
#270 17 May 2023, 23:31:04 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 917 (+15) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Cecilia","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Minor Character"]}
#269 17 May 2023, 23:30:42 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 1716 (+15) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Pierce's coworker. Will constantly remind you it's pronounced k(y)-le.<\/p>","Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"27","Birthday":"June 27","Height":"5'8\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Female, she\/her","Sexuality":{"2":"1"},"Nationality":"US American","Race":"White","Occupation":"Mechanic","Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<p>Her parents thought they were having a boy, hence the name. Instead of choosing a different name, they just changed the pronunciation. For all intents and purposes, an alternative spelling would have been \"Kylie\" or \"Kyleigh\".<\/p>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Kyle Hunt","parsed":{"description":"<p>Pierce's coworker. Will constantly remind you it's pronounced k(y)-le.<\/p>","Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"27","Birthday":"June 27","Height":"5'8\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Female, she\/her","Sexuality":{"2":"1"},"Nationality":"US American","Race":"White","Occupation":"Mechanic","Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<p>Her parents thought they were having a boy, hence the name. Instead of choosing a different name, they just changed the pronunciation. For all intents and purposes, an alternative spelling would have been \"Kylie\" or \"Kyleigh\".<\/p>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Kyle Hunt"}},"title":"Kyle","is_visible":"1","summary":"Pierce's coworker. Will constantly remind you it's pronounced k(y)-le.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Minor Character"]}
#268 17 May 2023, 23:29:58 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 922 (+20) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Vanessa","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Supporting Character"]}
#267 17 May 2023, 23:29:34 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 918 (+15) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Victoria","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Minor Character"]}
#266 17 May 2023, 23:28:57 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 1209 (+15) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>[[Angel]]'s younger brother whom resides overseas.<\/p>","Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Ashley Alejandres","parsed":{"description":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/11.Angel\" class=\"text-primary\">Angel<\/a>'s younger brother whom resides overseas.<\/p>","Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Ashley Alejandres"},"links":[{"link_id":11}]},"title":"Ashley","is_visible":"1","summary":"Angel's younger brother whom resides overseas.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Minor Character"]}
#265 17 May 2023, 23:28:37 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 925 (+18) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Simon","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Carsona","Minor Character"]}
#264 17 May 2023, 23:27:12 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 930 (+23) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Mason","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Carsona","Supporting Character"]}
#263 17 May 2023, 23:26:30 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 3116 (+20) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":"Cass","Alias":null,"Age":"22","Birthday":"May 30","Height":"5'11\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male, he\/him","Sexuality":{"1":"1"},"Nationality":"UK British","Race":"Black","Occupation":"Record Salesman","Theme":"<a href=\"\">Feels Like I'm Dying<\/a>","Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Is a savior sibling; birthed to treat one of&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/4073106.adrien\">Adrien<\/a>'s illnesses via stem cell transplant.<\/li>\r\n<li>typical gap moe archetype<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a small rescue dog named Snow that Adrein gave him.<\/li>\r\n<li>Has dabbled in spiritualism, but ultimately became an antitheist.<\/li>\r\n<li>Has self esteem issues. Was sheltered as a child, but wasn't his parents' favorite.<\/li>\r\n<li>Works at a small local record shop<\/li>\r\n<li>Does not have a British accent unlike Adrien.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Puns<\/li>\r\n<li>Death metal, vinyl\/physical music collections<\/li>\r\n<li>Flowers, gardening<\/li>\r\n<li>Anthropology, humanities, arts<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Judgemental people<\/li>\r\n<li>Bugs<\/li>\r\n<li>Surprises<\/li>\r\n<li>Socks with sandals<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Cassius McPherson","parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":"Cass","Alias":null,"Age":"22","Birthday":"May 30","Height":"5'11\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male, he\/him","Sexuality":{"1":"1"},"Nationality":"UK British","Race":"Black","Occupation":"Record Salesman","Theme":"<a href=\"\">Feels Like I'm Dying<\/a>","Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Is a savior sibling; birthed to treat one of&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/4073106.adrien\">Adrien<\/a>'s illnesses via stem cell transplant.<\/li>\r\n<li>typical gap moe archetype<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a small rescue dog named Snow that Adrein gave him.<\/li>\r\n<li>Has dabbled in spiritualism, but ultimately became an antitheist.<\/li>\r\n<li>Has self esteem issues. Was sheltered as a child, but wasn't his parents' favorite.<\/li>\r\n<li>Works at a small local record shop<\/li>\r\n<li>Does not have a British accent unlike Adrien.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Puns<\/li>\r\n<li>Death metal, vinyl\/physical music collections<\/li>\r\n<li>Flowers, gardening<\/li>\r\n<li>Anthropology, humanities, arts<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Judgemental people<\/li>\r\n<li>Bugs<\/li>\r\n<li>Surprises<\/li>\r\n<li>Socks with sandals<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Cassius McPherson"}},"title":"Cassius","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Supporting Character"]}
#262 17 May 2023, 23:26:12 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 922 (+642) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Randall","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Supporting Character"]}
#261 17 May 2023, 23:25:43 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 917 (+637) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Chisato","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Minor Character"]}
#260 17 May 2023, 23:25:06 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 932 (+652) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Kentaro","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Supporting Character","Carsona"]}
#259 17 May 2023, 23:24:39 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 1756 (+20) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":"Atlas","Age":"30","Birthday":"April 6","Height":"5'7\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male, he\/him","Sexuality":{"1":"1"},"Nationality":"Russian\/ Chinese","Race":"White\/ Asian","Occupation":"[[Informant]]","Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","EarlyLife":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","Present":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","RelationshipInformation":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","TriviaInformation":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","Likes":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","Dislikes":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","DesignNotes":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","people_name":"Alexei","parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":"Atlas","Age":"30","Birthday":"April 6","Height":"5'7\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male, he\/him","Sexuality":{"1":"1"},"Nationality":"Russian\/ Chinese","Race":"White\/ Asian","Occupation":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Informant\" class=\"text-danger\">Informant<\/a>","Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","EarlyLife":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","Present":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","RelationshipInformation":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","TriviaInformation":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","Likes":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","Dislikes":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","DesignNotes":"<p>Something something something<\/p>","people_name":"Alexei"},"links":[{"title":"Informant"}]},"title":"Atlas","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":["wip"],"page_tag":["Supporting Character"]}
#258 17 May 2023, 23:24:22 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 7712 (+20) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"26","Birthday":"April 2","Height":"5'11\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male, he\/him","Sexuality":["1"],"Nationality":"American & Argentinian","Race":"White Hispanic","Occupation":"Ballet Dancer\/Instructor","Theme":"<a href=\"\">Bitter<\/a> \/ <a href=\"\">Gone Already<\/a>","Playlist":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/playlist\/3iUPbU9t0GThdkTQ6Of8jC?si=ea7bcea433c64062\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"><\/i> Ballet Blues<\/a>","PersonalityInformation":"<p>Melancholy, Pretentious, Reserved<\/p>\r\n<p>Was born a bit sad<\/p>","EarlyLife":"<p>Angel is an ex-ballet dancer and ex-boyfriend to both [[Adrien]] and [[Dominique]]. Angel had a very standard childhood. His parents were well off and supported him in whatever endeavors he wanted to peruse. He was a rather composed child, and rarely had any outbursts, but was still spoiled; his parents replaced their presence with money. He excelled in gymnastics and ballet, and ended up dedicating much of his time towards dancing as he wanted to make a career out of it. When Adrien transferred into the facility he attended, he didn't pay her much mind. He thought it would be better not to get involved with her since she seemed to be standoffish. But when the two of them were paired to dance, he found Adrien too overbearing since he was used to more passive partners. They would criticize each other often, but Angel noticed that Adrien was having a hard time making friends, so he would let her have the final word. And she would come to appreciate him putting up with her.<\/p>\r\n<p>Angel and Adrien eventually started to date as teenagers. He considered Adrien to be his first love. He liked her bad temper, he would try to take care of her when she was fatigued. He felt that he wanted to help her more than anything. Especially when her health got worse. Even after she caused him to hurt his ankle during an argument they were having. Angel couldn't be mad at her. When she offered to quit dancing as an exchange for hurting him, he declined because watching her dance was one of the things he enjoyed the most.<\/p>\r\n<p>As they got older, and Adrien got sicker, the two of them argued more. Angel agreed to add a third person to their relationship in the hopes that it would make her happy. He knew she was just acting out due to the fact that she was dying. But he was unhappy himself and ended up leaving the relationship. Though, through some advice from Dominique, both Angel and Adrien decided they should work on their relationship. And so they traveled together, made music and danced together until Adrien was too weak to do much of anything. But Angel didn't mind.<\/p>","Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Used to be a professional ballet dancer before sustaining an accidental career-ending injury in an altercation with&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/4073106.adrien\">Adrien<\/a>.<\/li>\r\n<li>Started a cover band after his injury; does vocals and plays guitar.<\/li>\r\n<li>Is Adrien's childhood friend and first love. The two used to be in an exclusive relationship off and on over the years.<\/li>\r\n<li>Used to be in a polyamorous relationship with both Adrien and Dominique, though only went along with it since it was Adrien's idea. Was the first to break away from the relationship due to being unhappy.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Angel Alejandres","parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"26","Birthday":"April 2","Height":"5'11\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male, he\/him","Sexuality":["1"],"Nationality":"American & Argentinian","Race":"White Hispanic","Occupation":"Ballet Dancer\/Instructor","Theme":"<a href=\"\">Bitter<\/a> \/ <a href=\"\">Gone Already<\/a>","Playlist":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/playlist\/3iUPbU9t0GThdkTQ6Of8jC?si=ea7bcea433c64062\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"><\/i> Ballet Blues<\/a>","PersonalityInformation":"<p>Melancholy, Pretentious, Reserved<\/p>\r\n<p>Was born a bit sad<\/p>","EarlyLife":"<p>Angel is an ex-ballet dancer and ex-boyfriend to both <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/10.Adrien\" class=\"text-primary\">Adrien<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Dominique\" class=\"text-primary\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Dominique works as a real estate agent and personal assistant for Skylar's father.\">Dominique<\/a>. Angel had a very standard childhood. His parents were well off and supported him in whatever endeavors he wanted to peruse. He was a rather composed child, and rarely had any outbursts, but was still spoiled; his parents replaced their presence with money. He excelled in gymnastics and ballet, and ended up dedicating much of his time towards dancing as he wanted to make a career out of it. When Adrien transferred into the facility he attended, he didn't pay her much mind. He thought it would be better not to get involved with her since she seemed to be standoffish. But when the two of them were paired to dance, he found Adrien too overbearing since he was used to more passive partners. They would criticize each other often, but Angel noticed that Adrien was having a hard time making friends, so he would let her have the final word. And she would come to appreciate him putting up with her.<\/p>\r\n<p>Angel and Adrien eventually started to date as teenagers. He considered Adrien to be his first love. He liked her bad temper, he would try to take care of her when she was fatigued. He felt that he wanted to help her more than anything. Especially when her health got worse. Even after she caused him to hurt his ankle during an argument they were having. Angel couldn't be mad at her. When she offered to quit dancing as an exchange for hurting him, he declined because watching her dance was one of the things he enjoyed the most.<\/p>\r\n<p>As they got older, and Adrien got sicker, the two of them argued more. Angel agreed to add a third person to their relationship in the hopes that it would make her happy. He knew she was just acting out due to the fact that she was dying. But he was unhappy himself and ended up leaving the relationship. Though, through some advice from Dominique, both Angel and Adrien decided they should work on their relationship. And so they traveled together, made music and danced together until Adrien was too weak to do much of anything. But Angel didn't mind.<\/p>","Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Used to be a professional ballet dancer before sustaining an accidental career-ending injury in an altercation with&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/4073106.adrien\">Adrien<\/a>.<\/li>\r\n<li>Started a cover band after his injury; does vocals and plays guitar.<\/li>\r\n<li>Is Adrien's childhood friend and first love. The two used to be in an exclusive relationship off and on over the years.<\/li>\r\n<li>Used to be in a polyamorous relationship with both Adrien and Dominique, though only went along with it since it was Adrien's idea. Was the first to break away from the relationship due to being unhappy.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Angel Alejandres"},"links":[{"link_id":10},{"link_id":5}]},"title":"Angel","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Supporting Character"]}
#257 17 May 2023, 23:23:49 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 11427 (+20) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"25 <font color=\"#FF0000\">(Deceased at 27)<\/font>","Birthday":"August 3","Height":"5'10\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Female, she\/they","Sexuality":{"6":"1"},"Nationality":"UK British","Race":"Black","Occupation":"Ex Ballet Dancer","Theme":"<a href=\"\">In the Name of Love<\/a>","Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":"<p>Charming, Ambitious, Self-Serving<\/p>\r\n<p>Adrien is known to put on a tough front to protect herself from being hurt. Purposefully manipulative at times, she believes that it is better to push others away, not at their own fault, but under the reasoning that she doesn't believe she deserves to be loved. Her childhood irrational fear of burdening people causes her to distance herself from people who genuinely care about her in cruel ways, especially when her health starts to deteriorate. She has a permanent chip on her shoulder, and her moods can be unpredictable. When she's in good spirits, she's overly kind and generous, but when she's having a low, she can be self-sabotaging and cold, wishing she was dealt a different hand in life. She always regrets her misplaced frustrations, but she finds it hard to change her behavior after being so guarded for so long.<\/p>","EarlyLife":"<p>Adrien is an ex ballet dancer and ex-girlfriend of both [[Dominique]] and [[Angel]]. She grew up with an authoritarian mother and emotionally absent father. She had many high expectations placed on her by her parents to excel academically and athletically, to which she did. She was always one of the upper level dancers in her ballet groups, but when she developed a chronic childhood illness she could no longer endure hour of standard practice.<\/p>\r\n<p>Her parents were disappointed, and she felt rejected by them and would act out in school and during her dance practices. After multiple health scares and ineffective treatments, Adrien grew resentful with many things in her life as a teenager. After transferring into a new dance company, she found it hard to make friends; many of the children were too pretentious for her liking, but her bad attitude did not help, especially when dealing with some of the underlying bullying and discrimination in the department. There she met Angel, one of the popular boys in the group. The two of them didn't get along at first, but were paired to dance together for performances due to their similar skill levels. Eventually the two of them started to develop feelings for each other and dated for most of their teenagerhood.<\/p>\r\n<p>But as Adrien got older, her health got worse, and she was almost always emotionally volatile; she didn't think it was fair that she was so limited in the things she could do. Her relationship with Angel became strained, and they took breaks from each other, especially after an altercation between them resulted in Angel tripping in the studio and hurting his leg. She felt extremely guilty, and didn't think she deserved the grace he was giving her. She didn't think she deserved any of Angel's kindness anymore, so she started trying to push him away by being selfish and dating other people, including Dominique. Eventually, after dating on and off, traveling together and refusing further treatment for her illness, Angel was still there for her when she died because he felt he understood her enough to know that she was just scared.<\/p>","Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Her original last name is Cox, but it changed when her mother and father divorced and her mother changed her last name to her maiden name.<\/li>\r\n<li>Used to be a professional ballet dancer before falling ill at 24. Dies from progressive lung disease\/cancer.<\/li>\r\n<li>Has Chromesthesia\/Sound-to-Color Synesthesia, so she enjoys music. Plays the guitar in&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/4073104.angel\">Angel<\/a>'s cover band.<\/li>\r\n<li>Has Chromesthesia\/Sound-to-Color Synesthesia, so she enjoys music.<\/li>\r\n<li>Is Adrien's childhood friend and first love. The two used to be in an exclusive relationship off and on over the years. She was in a polyamorous relationship with both&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/4073104.angel\">Angel<\/a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/1156754.dominique\">Dominique<\/a>&nbsp;at one point in time.<\/li>\r\n<li>Her younger brother, [[Cassius]] is a savior sibling; birthed to treat one of her illnesses via stem cell transplant.<\/li>\r\n<li>Still has some of her british accent dispite living in America for a decade or so.<\/li>\r\n<li>Most likely has Thanatophobia (anxiety surrounding death), BPD and sufferes from&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/~r?\">mortality salience<\/a>.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Cold Weather<\/li>\r\n<li>Acts of service, buying gifts for others<\/li>\r\n<li>Learning new crafts, new challenges, healthy amounts of stress<\/li>\r\n<li>Partying, networking, meeting new people<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Rules, overbearing people, people who take themselves too seriously, know-it-alls<\/li>\r\n<li>Closed spaces<\/li>\r\n<li>Strong perfume<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Adrien McPherson","parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"25 <font color=\"#FF0000\">(Deceased at 27)<\/font>","Birthday":"August 3","Height":"5'10\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Female, she\/they","Sexuality":{"6":"1"},"Nationality":"UK British","Race":"Black","Occupation":"Ex Ballet Dancer","Theme":"<a href=\"\">In the Name of Love<\/a>","Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":"<p>Charming, Ambitious, Self-Serving<\/p>\r\n<p>Adrien is known to put on a tough front to protect herself from being hurt. Purposefully manipulative at times, she believes that it is better to push others away, not at their own fault, but under the reasoning that she doesn't believe she deserves to be loved. Her childhood irrational fear of burdening people causes her to distance herself from people who genuinely care about her in cruel ways, especially when her health starts to deteriorate. She has a permanent chip on her shoulder, and her moods can be unpredictable. When she's in good spirits, she's overly kind and generous, but when she's having a low, she can be self-sabotaging and cold, wishing she was dealt a different hand in life. She always regrets her misplaced frustrations, but she finds it hard to change her behavior after being so guarded for so long.<\/p>","EarlyLife":"<p>Adrien is an ex ballet dancer and ex-girlfriend of both <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/5.Dominique\" class=\"text-primary\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Dominique works as a real estate agent and personal assistant for Skylar's father.\">Dominique<\/a> and <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/11.Angel\" class=\"text-primary\">Angel<\/a>. She grew up with an authoritarian mother and emotionally absent father. She had many high expectations placed on her by her parents to excel academically and athletically, to which she did. She was always one of the upper level dancers in her ballet groups, but when she developed a chronic childhood illness she could no longer endure hour of standard practice.<\/p>\r\n<p>Her parents were disappointed, and she felt rejected by them and would act out in school and during her dance practices. After multiple health scares and ineffective treatments, Adrien grew resentful with many things in her life as a teenager. After transferring into a new dance company, she found it hard to make friends; many of the children were too pretentious for her liking, but her bad attitude did not help, especially when dealing with some of the underlying bullying and discrimination in the department. There she met Angel, one of the popular boys in the group. The two of them didn't get along at first, but were paired to dance together for performances due to their similar skill levels. Eventually the two of them started to develop feelings for each other and dated for most of their teenagerhood.<\/p>\r\n<p>But as Adrien got older, her health got worse, and she was almost always emotionally volatile; she didn't think it was fair that she was so limited in the things she could do. Her relationship with Angel became strained, and they took breaks from each other, especially after an altercation between them resulted in Angel tripping in the studio and hurting his leg. She felt extremely guilty, and didn't think she deserved the grace he was giving her. She didn't think she deserved any of Angel's kindness anymore, so she started trying to push him away by being selfish and dating other people, including Dominique. Eventually, after dating on and off, traveling together and refusing further treatment for her illness, Angel was still there for her when she died because he felt he understood her enough to know that she was just scared.<\/p>","Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Her original last name is Cox, but it changed when her mother and father divorced and her mother changed her last name to her maiden name.<\/li>\r\n<li>Used to be a professional ballet dancer before falling ill at 24. Dies from progressive lung disease\/cancer.<\/li>\r\n<li>Has Chromesthesia\/Sound-to-Color Synesthesia, so she enjoys music. Plays the guitar in&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/4073104.angel\">Angel<\/a>'s cover band.<\/li>\r\n<li>Has Chromesthesia\/Sound-to-Color Synesthesia, so she enjoys music.<\/li>\r\n<li>Is Adrien's childhood friend and first love. The two used to be in an exclusive relationship off and on over the years. She was in a polyamorous relationship with both&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/4073104.angel\">Angel<\/a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/1156754.dominique\">Dominique<\/a>&nbsp;at one point in time.<\/li>\r\n<li>Her younger brother, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/12.Cassius\" class=\"text-primary\">Cassius<\/a> is a savior sibling; birthed to treat one of her illnesses via stem cell transplant.<\/li>\r\n<li>Still has some of her british accent dispite living in America for a decade or so.<\/li>\r\n<li>Most likely has Thanatophobia (anxiety surrounding death), BPD and sufferes from&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/~r?\">mortality salience<\/a>.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Cold Weather<\/li>\r\n<li>Acts of service, buying gifts for others<\/li>\r\n<li>Learning new crafts, new challenges, healthy amounts of stress<\/li>\r\n<li>Partying, networking, meeting new people<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Rules, overbearing people, people who take themselves too seriously, know-it-alls<\/li>\r\n<li>Closed spaces<\/li>\r\n<li>Strong perfume<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Adrien McPherson"},"links":[{"link_id":5},{"link_id":11},{"link_id":12}]},"title":"Adrien","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Supporting Character"]}
#256 17 May 2023, 23:23:27 EDT
Page Tags Changed
Length: 1333 (+23) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"38","Birthday":"September19","Height":"6'2\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male, he\/him","Sexuality":["1"],"Nationality":"US American","Race":"Black","Occupation":"Warehouse worker","Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Remy was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2002 Dodge Ram 1500.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Remy Ram","parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"38","Birthday":"September19","Height":"6'2\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male, he\/him","Sexuality":["1"],"Nationality":"US American","Race":"Black","Occupation":"Warehouse worker","Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Remy was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2002 Dodge Ram 1500.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Remy Ram"}},"title":"Remy","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Carsona","Supporting Character"]}
#255 17 May 2023, 23:18:19 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 930 (+650) -
#254 14 May 2023, 22:33:53 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 1098 (+194) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<p>Handles the legal paperwork and identity forgery needed by Chitose's ancillary staff.&nbsp;<\/p>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<p>Handles the legal paperwork and identity forgery needed by Chitose's ancillary staff.&nbsp;<\/p>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"John Ford","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
485 results found.