Person ・ Side Characters


July 10th
Male, he/him
Crime Boss
July 10th
Male, he/him
Crime Boss

Kentaro leads a branch of his family's crime syndicate along side his sister Chitose. He's an older man with a lot of steam but a bad attitude. Despite it all, he does have a heart of goal and stands by his own  golden rule.

1. Personality
2. History
         2.0.1. Early Life
         2.0.2. Present
3. Relationships
4. Appearance and Design
         4.0.1. Style
         4.0.2. Inspiration
5. Lifestyle and Health
         5.0.1. Health History
         5.0.2. Lifestyle
6. Trivia
         6.0.2. Dislikes


















Kentaro's stats
Arrogant, Proud, Leader

Kentaro comes off as an older man that has a narrow mindset, he can be blunt to those around him and many of his points can be offensive. He's big on being prideful, which others find arrogant and vain, but he doesn't notice other's disdain due to his oblivious mindset. Despite these personality flaws, he tends to worry and look out for those closest to him; showing it in small ways, such as making sure his employees are fed and clothed right for the weather outside. Kentaro values loyalty and finds deceitful means such as blackmail to be dishonorable, unlike his younger sister. He lacks romantic experience due to his struggles with internalized homophobia that has kept him from having a true connection. So he is dense to romantic cues and inappropriate gestures but also tends to become extremely flusteresd by intimate moments. He is a cat lover and has an affection towards smaller animals, contrary to his usual cocky persona. Despite always looking angry, he actually is a happy person that smiles a lot, and doesn't hide when he's having fun, despite his eyebrows always being in a furrowed position.While he can be understanding, he is hot-headed and tends to speak before thinking, which is why he has trouble forming social connections which is bad for business.



Early Life

Kentaro was the youngest child of his father's first wife. As the youngest, he spent most of his time with his mother, which led him to be spoiled more and he was taught about cooking and other household hobbies. He was chubby in his youth due to his mother's over-feeding, which led to some insecurities as his father would make small comments about it. In his preteens, he started exercising more and got into archery, causing him to lose more weight, but he still was not in a happy state with himself. Kentaro felt over shadowed by his older siblings due to their smarts, which made it easy for them to help their father with family business. He tried to catch up with them by keeping up with his studies and taking harder courses, but found he was not as intellectually inclined and started to rebel, thinking if he could show his father his tough side he'd be noticed more. This inferiority complex worsened after finding out his father had sired three more children, finding them to be added in competition. He was relieved to hear that the youngest was sick and the older two were women- figuring they couldn't be more capable than him. He does have a good relationship with his oldest siblings, seeing his oldest brother Daichi more like his role-model than his father.


In his early 20s, he found his half sister Chitose had begun to be visited by his father more and showed more promise than him; she was already being involved in the family business around the same time he was. This enraged him as he believed his half siblings shouldn't have been born to begin with, as he held animosity towards his father cheating, and having a separate family,and to top it off, his mother was very lonely without his father around, which caused her to be not as full of life as she once was. Regardless, he was granted a share of the family and worked alongside his father, brother and now younger sister. Knowing Chitose was almost as good- if not better than he was, he was happy to know they at least were on an equal level with each other, as his father limited Chitose's growth within the family. This power balance changed when his sister gained a share of the business that was once held by the youngest brother, Chise, who passed away at the age of 20. They've had a rivalry and bad relationship ever since and it worsened with the death of their father.



Recently, he has moved to Florida to set up operations alongside his sister, though he now owns his own personal branch of the family's line of work and has accumulated a small group of trained professionals to help him with work. He believes he and  Chitose share the same goal, or at least that's what she has made him to believe; despite having the same mission, he rarely contacts his sister and tries doing most of the work himself.


After losing one of his hackers due to a bad hand injury, he recruits a young computer specialist by the name of Atlas who elicits a strong emotion from him. He is still unsure of what this emotion is.


Atlas . Lovers

Kentaro hired Atlas to replace a hacker he once had on his team. He chose him solely based on talent.. and perhaps looks. Due to Atlas's freelance work, he was only a temporary hire, but Kentaro had enough work for him to keep him around. Kentaro had an attraction to Atlas which usually ended up with mindless comments and skin ship that most people would call harassment. They tended to argue a lot in the beginning due to Kentaro's abrasive nature and Atlas had a hard time ignoring him as well, though as time went on an incident caused Atlas to be Kentaro's fake 'girlfriend', much to his dismay. Eventually, this farce ended but Kentaro's feelings had grown and he asked Atlas out. It did not end well and they temporarily separated.

Chilling on the couch.

One day, Kentaro was contacted by Atlas, who had been attacked, and needed help as he was heavily injured. Kentaro did not hesitate to help and was able to put Atlas in a private hospital where Kentaro spent a lot of time there watching over him. Despite the rocky separation, Kentaro wanted to help Atlas out even if he did not like him romantically. He let him stay in his home and helped him out while he healed from his injuries. During this time, their bond grew closer and Atlas had a new admiration and feeling for Kentaro and tried on numerous occasions to seduce him. Eventually, Atlas made it clear and the two started to date with each other and Atlas continued to work as his hacker- full time.

They have a love-hate relationship in the beginning, tending to bicker with each other due to their vastly different opinions and mindsets. Atlas is more of a non-conformist and a reclusive person, while Kentaro is old-fashioned and has a lack of personal space. Due to the contrast, Kentaro often remarks about Atlas's clothing and lifestyle. Atlas at first saw Kentaro as a washed up old man with outdated views, but was surprised to see he was caring and often kind and thoughtful to his employees, though his words little met his actions. While dating, they often spend time together, whether at work or at home. While Kentaro likes to have dates with Atlas outside of the house, Atlas enjoys more inside activities. Kentaro loves to shop and buy clothes for Atlas to the point he gets tired of it, but does it only to amuse Kentaro. Even though Atlas has more sexual experience, they are both new to having a strong romantic connection, causing both to be flustered at times. Atlas does, however, lead most of their sexual encounters. As time goes on, Kentaro does take the lead, but they both have an equal balance when it comes to night-time activities.

Read more about Atlas and Kentaro's relationship here: Atlas and Kentaro's Relationship

Chitose . Sister

Chitose is Kentaro's younger half sister by 5 years and for all of their childhood they had never met. Chitose knew at a young age she had older siblings, but Kentaro had not found out till he was 15 years old due to his lack of involvement in his father's personal and business life, as his mother kept it hidden. Kentaro loathed Chitose as she began gaining traction with their father because before he did. He felt displaced and irritated by their differences, thinking himself to naturally be better than her at everything

Throughout their lives, each meeting ended in a fight or leaving a bad taste in their mouths. Chitose had even shot Kentaro once due to an argument involving their younger brother Chise. Though Kentaro talks big, since being shot by her, he has grown wary of Chitose as he fears she would kill him if possible, while he probably could not as he is secretly good natured and lacks the ability to do the ugly things she's capable of.

Appearance and Design

Scars and Tattoo
  • Height, weight, build and body type: Kentaro has a lean build and has little muscle, with an inverted triangle-shaped body type. He reaches around 5'11" at around 175 pounds. He does have some pudge, most noticeable around his hips and on his chest that isn't noticeable under clothes.
  • Athleticism and stamina: While having quick movements and quick reaction time, he is not the best runner and tends to stumble on his feet. His stamina is average but he has a quick recovery time. He did not play sports in his youth but was a pro at archery, which made him an excellent aim with a bow and gun.
  • Scarring, deformities, moles, birthmarks:He has moles here and there, but has one facial mole on the right side of his forehead. He has a knife scar over his left eye that goes across his eyelid and eyebrow; it is pale in color and is about 15cm in length.
  • Piercings, tattoos and body modifications: Kentaro has no piercings and doesn't believe he will ever get them, as he has no interest. He does have a large back tattoo of a tiger in black and white that wraps around his right shoulder and onto his right arm as a half sleeve. He got this tattoo when he was fully introduced into his family business, the same as his siblings.
  • Hairstyles: He chooses to keep his hair cut short and has even had it fully shaved. He does not enjoy long hair and has never had it past his ears. He has never bleached his hair but has started to dye it brown as he's noticed grey hairs coming in and isn't quite ready to accept reality.
  • Notable facial features and face claims: Kentaro has a particular set of eyebrows that go from skinny to bushy. He does have monolid's and little to no eyelashes. Due to his older appearance, he does have a noticeable wrinkle by one eye and on one side of his mouth. He has a signature eyebrow scar on the left side and a forehead mole on his right.
    • TBA.
  • Voice claims: He has a baritone leaning voice but is still rather light. 
    • TBA.
  • Some optional/circumstantial/time dependent design features: Not much changes as he ages, he does start to shave his head more and let his gray grow in.


  • General clothing preferences. Likes, dislikes, favorite colors? Kentaro is a big fan of two-pieced suits and always buys named brands. Most of his spending goes towards these suits. He enjoys clothing that has earth tones and always enjoys black or grey colors, but heavily dislikes pastel colors. When he isn't wearing a suit you can catch him in jeans with a stylish jacket- this old man has style!
  • Wardrobe, amount of clothes they own. How often do they buy clothes? He has a rather extensive and organized closet which is color coded. Kentaro buys clothes a few times a month for himself as well as for other people. If he sees something he knows someone will look good in, he will usually purchase it. 
  • Work clothes vs leisure clothing. Special work items? What do they wear to bed? Kentaro wears suits with unstructured blazers to work usually, when when outside or doing something active. He does wear a concealed gun holder to work. When going to bed he wears silk pajamas or a robe.
  • Jewelry and accessories:He actually does enjoy wearing jewelry, such as gold necklaces, rings and watches. Most of his inventory is expensive and he routinely changes what he's wearing.
Color Palette


A list of media and references that inspired the creation of the character and/or their background.

Lifestyle and Health

Health History


  • Kentaro is a part of To the Nth Degree.
  • Kentaro is Chitoses older brother.
  • Likes to throw pizza partys for his coworkers.
  • Inferiority problem concerning those better then him.
  • Owns two cats and enjoys dressing them up.
  • A light weight but is a happy drunk.
  • Sweets
  • Cats
  • Cooking
  • Racing
  • Drinking
  • His sister.
  • Promiscuous people
  • Liars
  • Losing an argument.