baratomott's Page Revisions

The following are all of baratomott's page revisions, ordered from most to least recent.

#163 10 May 2023, 21:30:03 EDT
Page Created
Length: 147 (+147) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Texas, USA","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#162 10 May 2023, 21:13:05 EDT
Page Created
Length: 165 (+165) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Example A.1","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null,"parent_id":"60"}
#161 10 May 2023, 21:12:33 EDT
Page Created
Length: 146 (+146) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Example A","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#159 10 May 2023, 21:08:36 EDT
Page Created
Length: 661 (+661) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>An extraterrestrial humanoid-reptilians species originating from a planet named [[Datania]].<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>An extraterrestrial humanoid-reptilians species originating from a planet named <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/58.Datania\" class=\"text-primary\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Located in the outskirts of the Milky Way Galaxy, Datania is home to the Darakian species.\">Datania<\/a>.<\/p>"},"links":[{"link_id":58}]},"title":"Darakian","is_visible":"1","summary":"An extraterrestrial humanoid-reptilians species originating from a planet named Datania.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#158 10 May 2023, 21:05:42 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 492 (+256) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Located in the outskirts of the Milky Way Galaxy, Datania is home to the [[Darakian]] species.<\/p>","parsed":{"description":"<p>Located in the outskirts of the Milky Way Galaxy, Datania is home to the <a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/59.Darakian\" class=\"text-primary\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"An extraterrestrial humanoid-reptilians species originating from a planet named Datania.\">Darakian<\/a> species.<\/p>"},"links":[{"link_id":59}]}}
#157 10 May 2023, 21:04:47 EDT
Page Created
Length: 236 (+236) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Datania","is_visible":"1","summary":"Located in the outskirts of the Milky Way Galaxy, Datania is home to the [[Darakian]] species.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#154 10 May 2023, 20:49:59 EDT
Page Created
Length: 150 (+150) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Business Park","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#153 10 May 2023, 20:47:04 EDT
Page Created
Length: 268 (+268) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"12th Street Records","is_visible":"1","summary":"Local downtown record shop, houses a variety of music, but most notably known for it's indie and metal collection.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#152 10 May 2023, 20:45:06 EDT
Page Created
Length: 151 (+151) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Charles' House","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#151 10 May 2023, 20:43:36 EDT
Page Created
Length: 151 (+151) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Pierce's House","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#149 10 May 2023, 19:21:56 EDT
Page Created
Length: 145 (+145) -
#148 8 May 2023, 21:13:05 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 14410 (+168) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Chitose works as a sub crime boss and has an assortment of underlings.&nbsp; She comes from a crime family that has been in existence for many years, starting in Japan and moving to America. She controls a small sector of her family in place of her elder brother.<\/p>\r\n<p>She recruited Charles when he was a young adult and trained him into who he is today.<\/p>\r\n<p>Her hobbies include trying out sweets at shops and working over time.&nbsp; Chitose was originally a carsona, her design is based off of the 2018 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray.<\/p>","Nickname":"Chi","Alias":null,"Age":"38","Birthday":"August 11","Height":"6'0\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Female","Sexuality":null,"Nationality":"Japanese","Race":"Asian","Occupation":"Crime Boss","Theme":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=lX44CAz-JhU\">The Wolf<\/a>","Playlist":null,"Personality":"<p>Wise, Wicked, Twisted<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite her age she is known to act mischievious and tends to tease, with woman its a quick way to get them to smile but with others it aims to make them wish they were dead. She can be cold and stoic when pissed off and with those she'd rather not deal with, at first glance she may seem like a sophisticated woman who gives a kind smile but in truth she's cold hearted, two faced and a terror to deal with. Though its true she can have her kind moments once in a blue moon- she rarely forgives and never forgets. Most find it unfair that shes alot nicer to cute woman she favors.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Born into organized crime her father was the head of a powerful syndicate, and as you might have guessed not the kindest nor greatest father in the world. Chitose is the second to last youngest sibling out of 6 in total (including her), her three older siblngs belong to her fathers first wife while her and her two full siblings belong to his fathers long time mistress. Chitose lived separaretly from her three older siblings and only saw them on occasion in her younger years, while she lived with her mother, older sister Reiko and younger brother chise who was born when she was 8. Chitose had a fairly ok life growing up, always having money but was always under pressure of having to be good enough to impress her mother and father. Her mother who was fairly young herself relied on chitose the most as reiko, aged two years older, often was out and about getting into trouble and chise had a frail body, Chitose was her mothers only hope to gain fathers attention as his visits became less frequent ever since Chise's birth. Chitose's mother often critiqued her face, calling her ugly or too masculine and claimed that was why she wasn't good enough. It was harsh on Chitose's self esteem and it made her hate her face and physique.<\/p>\r\n<p>As Chise (10) got sicker Chitose (18) became one of his main caretakers as their mother no longer had any love for them as they were'nt of use, she detested Chise of all and it led to her having tantrums that the only heir of hers could barely sit up on his own. Reiko was no longer at home as she had a shotgun wedding after she found out she was pregnant, these were the years chitose felt powerless as she had to watch her brother wither away and her mother mentally as well. With Chise's worsening sickness it prompted their father to come by for the first time in a few years, it was then Chitose stood up to her father and begged for her to work for him; she had been training on her own and did her best in school to try and be as perfect as possible. Her father allowed it, saying she would take Chise's place till he was old enough and assumed Chise would one day get better. She worked hard by her fathers side and got to know her older siblings better as well, she rarely met her older sister Emiko who was now married and had children but got along with the oldest and heir Daichi and had a small rivalry with her other older brother Kentaro; during all this she still made time to take care of her brother. During these years she experienced cruel and unsettling things and became a different person but it was nothing she'd ever show her brother nor her mother who's mental health grew better at the common precense of her father.<\/p>\r\n<p>Tragedy hit when Chise (20) finally passed away, it was summarized that the illness had finally taken him but other theories came about that Chitose (28) had actually murdered him due to her new cold and ruthless persona that was well known by that time and that she was the one that found him dead. Regardless Chise had written in his will that everything his father planned to go to him would go to his sister Chitose, which was how Chitose was gifted a part and role in her fathers business. It was then that Chitose could finally show what she was truly capable of but she also had died a small bit inside now that the brother she practically raised had finally passed. The years following she worked harder then ever especially as her father passed on a year or so later due to natrual causes and her mother right after that from suicide. She knew she had to do what she could to be what her mother wanted her to be, beautiful, what her father needed her to be, capable and what Chise begged she would be, strong<\/p>","Present":"<p>Chitose now 31, was in the process of scouting and found real talent in a young kid named Cyrel, reminiscent of her younger brother she took him under her wing and trained him into her right hand man. Taking him out of poverty she molded him into something much more worthy from where he came from, though it took him a few years to grasp loyalty he soon became a threat well known in the underworld and everyone knew who held the leash. Now 38 she's at the height of her career and is in the process of becoming bigger then her fathers name, bigger then her eldest brother, and she will make sure people remember her name. In her mission for conquest she accidentally fell in love, with a fiery firefighter named Gaia Galant.<\/p>","Relationships":null,"Trivia":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Chitose is a part of&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/~world\/38762.talladega-nights\/characters\">To the N<sup>th<\/sup>&nbsp;Degree<\/a>.<\/li>\r\n<li>The boss of an elite group of hitmen<\/li>\r\n<li>Has 5 siblings<\/li>\r\n<li>Has type 1 diabetes<\/li>\r\n<li>Always carries lollipops on her person<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a weakness for cute women<\/li>\r\n<li>Has been known to pick up strays<\/li>\r\n<li>Chitose was originally a carsona, her design is based off of the 2018 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Work<\/li>\r\n<li>Lollipops and sweets<\/li>\r\n<li>[[Gaia]]<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>The Past<\/li>\r\n<li>Co-workers<\/li>\r\n<li>Weaklings<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Chitose Corvette","parsed":{"description":"<p>Chitose works as a sub crime boss and has an assortment of underlings.&nbsp; She comes from a crime family that has been in existence for many years, starting in Japan and moving to America. She controls a small sector of her family in place of her elder brother.<\/p>\r\n<p>She recruited Charles when he was a young adult and trained him into who he is today.<\/p>\r\n<p>Her hobbies include trying out sweets at shops and working over time.&nbsp; Chitose was originally a carsona, her design is based off of the 2018 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray.<\/p>","Nickname":"Chi","Alias":null,"Age":"38","Birthday":"August 11","Height":"6'0\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Female","Sexuality":null,"Nationality":"Japanese","Race":"Asian","Occupation":"Crime Boss","Theme":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/watch?v=lX44CAz-JhU\">The Wolf<\/a>","Playlist":null,"Personality":"<p>Wise, Wicked, Twisted<\/p>\r\n<p>Despite her age she is known to act mischievious and tends to tease, with woman its a quick way to get them to smile but with others it aims to make them wish they were dead. She can be cold and stoic when pissed off and with those she'd rather not deal with, at first glance she may seem like a sophisticated woman who gives a kind smile but in truth she's cold hearted, two faced and a terror to deal with. Though its true she can have her kind moments once in a blue moon- she rarely forgives and never forgets. Most find it unfair that shes alot nicer to cute woman she favors.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Born into organized crime her father was the head of a powerful syndicate, and as you might have guessed not the kindest nor greatest father in the world. Chitose is the second to last youngest sibling out of 6 in total (including her), her three older siblngs belong to her fathers first wife while her and her two full siblings belong to his fathers long time mistress. Chitose lived separaretly from her three older siblings and only saw them on occasion in her younger years, while she lived with her mother, older sister Reiko and younger brother chise who was born when she was 8. Chitose had a fairly ok life growing up, always having money but was always under pressure of having to be good enough to impress her mother and father. Her mother who was fairly young herself relied on chitose the most as reiko, aged two years older, often was out and about getting into trouble and chise had a frail body, Chitose was her mothers only hope to gain fathers attention as his visits became less frequent ever since Chise's birth. Chitose's mother often critiqued her face, calling her ugly or too masculine and claimed that was why she wasn't good enough. It was harsh on Chitose's self esteem and it made her hate her face and physique.<\/p>\r\n<p>As Chise (10) got sicker Chitose (18) became one of his main caretakers as their mother no longer had any love for them as they were'nt of use, she detested Chise of all and it led to her having tantrums that the only heir of hers could barely sit up on his own. Reiko was no longer at home as she had a shotgun wedding after she found out she was pregnant, these were the years chitose felt powerless as she had to watch her brother wither away and her mother mentally as well. With Chise's worsening sickness it prompted their father to come by for the first time in a few years, it was then Chitose stood up to her father and begged for her to work for him; she had been training on her own and did her best in school to try and be as perfect as possible. Her father allowed it, saying she would take Chise's place till he was old enough and assumed Chise would one day get better. She worked hard by her fathers side and got to know her older siblings better as well, she rarely met her older sister Emiko who was now married and had children but got along with the oldest and heir Daichi and had a small rivalry with her other older brother Kentaro; during all this she still made time to take care of her brother. During these years she experienced cruel and unsettling things and became a different person but it was nothing she'd ever show her brother nor her mother who's mental health grew better at the common precense of her father.<\/p>\r\n<p>Tragedy hit when Chise (20) finally passed away, it was summarized that the illness had finally taken him but other theories came about that Chitose (28) had actually murdered him due to her new cold and ruthless persona that was well known by that time and that she was the one that found him dead. Regardless Chise had written in his will that everything his father planned to go to him would go to his sister Chitose, which was how Chitose was gifted a part and role in her fathers business. It was then that Chitose could finally show what she was truly capable of but she also had died a small bit inside now that the brother she practically raised had finally passed. The years following she worked harder then ever especially as her father passed on a year or so later due to natrual causes and her mother right after that from suicide. She knew she had to do what she could to be what her mother wanted her to be, beautiful, what her father needed her to be, capable and what Chise begged she would be, strong<\/p>","Present":"<p>Chitose now 31, was in the process of scouting and found real talent in a young kid named Cyrel, reminiscent of her younger brother she took him under her wing and trained him into her right hand man. Taking him out of poverty she molded him into something much more worthy from where he came from, though it took him a few years to grasp loyalty he soon became a threat well known in the underworld and everyone knew who held the leash. Now 38 she's at the height of her career and is in the process of becoming bigger then her fathers name, bigger then her eldest brother, and she will make sure people remember her name. In her mission for conquest she accidentally fell in love, with a fiery firefighter named Gaia Galant.<\/p>","Relationships":null,"Trivia":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Chitose is a part of&nbsp;<a href=\"https:\/\/\/~world\/38762.talladega-nights\/characters\">To the N<sup>th<\/sup>&nbsp;Degree<\/a>.<\/li>\r\n<li>The boss of an elite group of hitmen<\/li>\r\n<li>Has 5 siblings<\/li>\r\n<li>Has type 1 diabetes<\/li>\r\n<li>Always carries lollipops on her person<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a weakness for cute women<\/li>\r\n<li>Has been known to pick up strays<\/li>\r\n<li>Chitose was originally a carsona, her design is based off of the 2018 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>Work<\/li>\r\n<li>Lollipops and sweets<\/li>\r\n<li><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/7.Gaia\" class=\"text-primary\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" title=\"Gaia works as a local firefighter. She is known for being intuitive and dependable, and is always willing to be a shoulder to cry on.\">Gaia<\/a><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul class=\"m-0 pl-5 py-2 text-muted\">\r\n<li>The Past<\/li>\r\n<li>Co-workers<\/li>\r\n<li>Weaklings<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Chitose Corvette"},"links":[{"link_id":7}]},"title":"Chitose","is_visible":"1","summary":"Chitose is the head of a self-established branch of her family's crime syndicate. She has an assortment of underlings, one of which includes Charles.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":["Carsona"]}
#147 8 May 2023, 02:01:18 EDT
Page Created
Length: 168 (+168) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Chitose and Gaia's Relationship","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#146 8 May 2023, 02:00:36 EDT
Title Changed
Length: 163 (-5) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Sky and Vei's Relationship","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#145 8 May 2023, 02:00:22 EDT
Page Created
Length: 166 (+166) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Leon and Angel's Relationship","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#144 8 May 2023, 01:59:55 EDT
Page Created
Length: 168 (+168) -
{"data":{"description":null,"parsed":{"description":null}},"title":"Sky and Vei's Relationship Page","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#143 8 May 2023, 01:55:54 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 1109 (+833) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Dominique's coworker.<\/p>","Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"24","Birthday":"October 4","Height":"5'9\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Female, she\/her","Sexuality":["1"],"Nationality":"US American","Race":null,"Occupation":"Real Estate Agent","Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":"<p>Competitive<\/p>","EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Dominique's coworker.<\/p>","Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"24","Birthday":"October 4","Height":"5'9\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Female, she\/her","Sexuality":["1"],"Nationality":"US American","Race":null,"Occupation":"Real Estate Agent","Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":"<p>Competitive<\/p>","EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null}},"title":"Kia","is_visible":"1","summary":"Dominique's coworker.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#142 8 May 2023, 01:47:53 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 1194 (+219) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>[[Angel]]'s younger brother whom resides overseas.<\/p>","Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Ashley Alejandres","parsed":{"description":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/11.Angel\" class=\"text-primary\">Angel<\/a>'s younger brother whom resides overseas.<\/p>","Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Ashley Alejandres"},"links":[{"link_id":11}]},"title":"Ashley","is_visible":"1","summary":"Angel's younger brother whom resides overseas.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#141 8 May 2023, 01:47:29 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 975 (+696) -
{"data":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Ashley Alejandres","parsed":{"description":null,"Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":null,"Birthday":null,"Height":null,"Species":null,"Gender":null,"Sexuality":null,"Nationality":null,"Race":null,"Occupation":null,"Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":null,"Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Ashley Alejandres"}},"title":"Ashley","is_visible":"1","summary":"Angel's younger brother whom resides overseas.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#140 8 May 2023, 01:39:58 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 1701 (+182) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Pierce's coworker. Will constantly remind you it's pronounced k(y)-le.<\/p>","Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"27","Birthday":"June 27","Height":"5'8\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Female, she\/her","Sexuality":{"2":"1"},"Nationality":"US American","Race":"White","Occupation":"Mechanic","Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<p>Her parents thought they were having a boy, hence the name. Instead of choosing a different name, they just changed the pronunciation. For all intents and purposes, an alternative spelling would have been \"Kylie\" or \"Kyleigh\".<\/p>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Kyle Hunt","parsed":{"description":"<p>Pierce's coworker. Will constantly remind you it's pronounced k(y)-le.<\/p>","Nickname":null,"Alias":null,"Age":"27","Birthday":"June 27","Height":"5'8\"","Species":"Human","Gender":"Female, she\/her","Sexuality":{"2":"1"},"Nationality":"US American","Race":"White","Occupation":"Mechanic","Theme":null,"Playlist":null,"PersonalityInformation":null,"EarlyLife":null,"Present":null,"RelationshipInformation":null,"TriviaInformation":"<p>Her parents thought they were having a boy, hence the name. Instead of choosing a different name, they just changed the pronunciation. For all intents and purposes, an alternative spelling would have been \"Kylie\" or \"Kyleigh\".<\/p>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Kyle Hunt"}},"title":"Kyle","is_visible":"1","summary":"Pierce's coworker. Will constantly remind you it's pronounced k(y)-le.","utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
485 results found.