Person ・ Main Characters

Gaia : Relationships

Suspicious ・ Gaia
Another man that Gaia thinks Pierce should be careful around. She doesn't know much about him, but her intuition tells her that he doesn't have the cleanest past. But she tries to get along with him since he's one of Pierce's friends.
Remy ・ Friend?
Remy knows Gaia through Pierce. He realizes she's protective of Pierce for good reasons and has tried to convince her that he has no ill will towards Pierce. That hasn't been very successful, she's still suspicious of Remy; he wonders if she knows about his past.
Close Friend ・ Gaia
Gaia met Pierce after becoming a firefighter. Responding to a car accident, she helped the then 14 year old Pierce from the wreckage but failed to save the rest of his family. Feeling guilty, she continued to check on him through his teenage years, and they're still close today.
Pierce ・ Close Friend
At age 14, when Pierce and his family were in a car accident, Gaia was one of the first responders who helped him escape the wreckage. Their narrow age gap allowed them to keep in contact and become close friends as Gaia guided him down the right path through teenagerhood.
Suspicious ・ Gaia
After finding out Pierce met Charles online, out of the blue, Gaia warns Pierce to be wary of Charles. She gets a bad feeling about him and generally doesn't like how she can't read him. She thinks Charles' personality is incompatible with their friend group.
Charles ・ Annoying
Pierce's close friend. Charles slowly grows to dislike her, especially when he at one time believed she had a thing for pierce, which was nothing more than motherly instincts. He eventually learns to tolerate her but finds her annoying when she tries to pry into Pierce's life.
Pizza Guy ・ Gaia
A local delivery driver at the pizza place Gaia and the department order from frequently. She thinks he looks pitiful enough to tip him generously almost every time she sees him. Later on when Vincent becomes the manager he gives her discounts.
Vincent ・ Frequent Customer
Partner (romantic) ・ Gaia
Chitose ・ Partner (romantic)
Having met by chance Chitose became smitten with the girl and did her best to pursue her. It was the fist time in a long she felt such an emotion and she wished to hold onto it as best as she could. Despite Gaia's goody two shoes morality Chitose admires her a lot and hopes that one day she won't grow to hate her when she finds out the truth.
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