Person ・ Main Characters

Pierce : Relationships

Partner (romantic) ・ Pierce
Pierce met Charles on a local online car forum. After finding out he was new in town, Pierce offered to show him around. He thought Charles seemed lonely and began to consider him a close friend to curb that. Even after learning about Charles' dark past, they grow closer and later marry.
Charles ・ Partner (romantic)
Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.
Friend ・ Pierce
Pierce met Remy after doing some repairs on his truck. The two both have an interest in cars and go to car meets and street races together sometimes. Pierce has a hunch that Remy used to live a mysterious, sketchy life, but he thinks it's best to not ask too many questions.
Remy ・ Friend
Remy thinks of Pierce as a genuine friend. Also thinks he's too nice for his own good. Their first encounter included pierce giving Remy a ride and repairing his truck for free when we was stranded. They stayed in contact ever since, with Pierce frequently inviting Remy to car events.
Close Friend ・ Pierce
At age 14, when Pierce and his family were in a car accident, Gaia was one of the first responders who helped him escape the wreckage. Their narrow age gap allowed them to keep in contact and become close friends as Gaia guided him down the right path through teenagerhood.
Gaia ・ Close Friend
Gaia met Pierce after becoming a firefighter. Responding to a car accident, she helped the then 14 year old Pierce from the wreckage but failed to save the rest of his family. Feeling guilty, she continued to check on him through his teenage years, and they're still close today.
Friend (Circumstantial) ・ Pierce
Pierce met Chitose through Charles so he considers her a friend, despite how scary she seems. Pierce was oblivious to how much she disliked him at first, but after some time he's learned to keep his distance and use his words wisely around her. Can't win everyone over.
Chitose ・ Scary
An annoyance that turned her strongest assassin soft, she at first planned on killing pierce but let it slide when she saw how much he was loved by those she cares about. Finds it even more annoying that her lover Gaia tends to worry about the brat and finds herself jealous at times.
Friend (Circumstantial) ・ Pierce
Due to meeting Charles, Pierce met Simon. After finding out Simon and Charles used to date, Pierce considers him to be a friend, even though he doesn't see him around often and knows little about him. He thinks Simon is a bit odd but doesn't mind hanging out with him.
Simon ・ Friend (Circumstantial)
Scary ・ Pierce
While meeting one of his NASCAR idols, Pierce meets Mason, one of the team managers. When finding out Mason and Charles are brothers, Pierce fails at trying to fix their bad relationship. It's obvious that Mason doesn't want anything to do with Pierce due to his association with Charles.
Mason ・ Acquaintance
Mentor ・ Pierce
After becoming the owner of the car shop he'd worked at for years, Pierce (30) hires the then 23 year old Valentine. After finding out Valentine was struggling with finding child care, he offered to have Charles watch his child so he could work. Pierce and Charles becomes his child's godparents.
Valentine ・ Mentee
Future employee
Godparent ・ Pierce
Pierce and Charles babysit Wyatt for one of his employees, Valentine, when he's struggling with personal issues. Pierce bonds with Wyatt as if he was a nephew, even though Wyatt teases him and behaves more with Charles. They watch Wyatt from the age of 3 and stay in his life until teenagerhood.
Wyatt ・ Godson
Friend ・ Pierce
Pierce and Charles met Dominique through Wyatt's friendship with her children in high school. Pierce and Dominique get along surprisingly well and go out to bars together. She often consults Pierce when trying to organize fun activities for their network of friends and family.
Dominique ・ Friend
Pierce's Mother ・ Parent
11 results found.