Rediumrum's Page Revisions

The following are all of Rediumrum's page revisions, ordered from most to least recent.

#64 22 April 2023, 22:46:08 EDT
Page Created
Length: 836 (+836) -
#63 22 April 2023, 22:44:17 EDT
Page Created
Length: 278 (+278) -
#62 22 April 2023, 22:43:02 EDT
Page Created
Length: 280 (+280) -
#61 22 April 2023, 22:41:45 EDT
Page Created
Length: 278 (+278) -
#60 22 April 2023, 22:38:50 EDT
Page Created
Length: 277 (+277) -
#59 22 April 2023, 22:35:15 EDT
Page Created
Length: 280 (+280) -
#58 22 April 2023, 22:28:37 EDT
Page Created
Length: 280 (+280) -
#57 22 April 2023, 22:09:34 EDT
Page Created
Length: 277 (+277) -
#35 17 April 2023, 21:29:38 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 18283 (+125) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Alias":"CC","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"[[Hitman]]","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"Https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"><\/i>Killer Conscience<\/a>","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Playing piano<\/li>\r\n<li>Late night drives<\/li>\r\n<li>His car<\/li>\r\n<li>Spaghetti<\/li>\r\n<li>Pierce<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Dairy products<\/li>\r\n<li>Stuffed animals<\/li>\r\n<li>People<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Alias":"CC","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Hitman\" class=\"text-danger\">Hitman<\/a>","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"Https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"><\/i>Killer Conscience<\/a>","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Playing piano<\/li>\r\n<li>Late night drives<\/li>\r\n<li>His car<\/li>\r\n<li>Spaghetti<\/li>\r\n<li>Pierce<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Dairy products<\/li>\r\n<li>Stuffed animals<\/li>\r\n<li>People<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null},"links":[{"title":"Hitman"},{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#32 17 April 2023, 21:16:37 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 18158 -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"CC","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"Https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"><\/i>Killer Conscience<\/a>","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Playing piano<\/li>\r\n<li>Late night drives<\/li>\r\n<li>His car<\/li>\r\n<li>Spaghetti<\/li>\r\n<li>Pierce<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Dairy products<\/li>\r\n<li>Stuffed animals<\/li>\r\n<li>People<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"CC","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"Https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"><\/i>Killer Conscience<\/a>","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Playing piano<\/li>\r\n<li>Late night drives<\/li>\r\n<li>His car<\/li>\r\n<li>Spaghetti<\/li>\r\n<li>Pierce<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Dairy products<\/li>\r\n<li>Stuffed animals<\/li>\r\n<li>People<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null},"links":[{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#31 17 April 2023, 21:16:36 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 18158 (-26) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"CC","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"Https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"><\/i>Killer Conscience<\/a>","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Playing piano<\/li>\r\n<li>Late night drives<\/li>\r\n<li>His car<\/li>\r\n<li>Spaghetti<\/li>\r\n<li>Pierce<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Dairy products<\/li>\r\n<li>Stuffed animals<\/li>\r\n<li>People<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null,"parsed":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"CC","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"Https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"><\/i>Killer Conscience<\/a>","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Playing piano<\/li>\r\n<li>Late night drives<\/li>\r\n<li>His car<\/li>\r\n<li>Spaghetti<\/li>\r\n<li>Pierce<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Dairy products<\/li>\r\n<li>Stuffed animals<\/li>\r\n<li>People<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":null},"links":[{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#30 17 April 2023, 21:16:02 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 18184 (+436) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"CC","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"Https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"><\/i>Killer Conscience<\/a>","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Playing piano<\/li>\r\n<li>Late night drives<\/li>\r\n<li>His car<\/li>\r\n<li>Spaghetti<\/li>\r\n<li>Pierce<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Dairy products<\/li>\r\n<li>Stuffed animals<\/li>\r\n<li>People<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Charles charger","parsed":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"CC","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"Https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ\" target=\"_blank\"><i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"><\/i>Killer Conscience<\/a>","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Playing piano<\/li>\r\n<li>Late night drives<\/li>\r\n<li>His car<\/li>\r\n<li>Spaghetti<\/li>\r\n<li>Pierce<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Dislikes":"<ul>\r\n<li>Dairy products<\/li>\r\n<li>Stuffed animals<\/li>\r\n<li>People<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","DesignNotes":null,"people_name":"Charles charger"},"links":[{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#23 17 April 2023, 21:00:50 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 17646 (+16) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"Https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ\">Killer Conscience<\/a>","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignTrivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger","parsed":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"Https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ\">Killer Conscience<\/a>","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignTrivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger"},"links":[{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#22 17 April 2023, 20:58:39 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 17630 (-129) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[[Killer Conscience|href\/https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignTrivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger","parsed":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[[Killer Conscience|href\/https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignTrivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger"},"links":[{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#21 17 April 2023, 20:57:37 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 17759 (+239) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[[Killer Conscience]][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignTrivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger","parsed":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"<a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Killer_Conscience\" class=\"text-danger\">Killer Conscience<\/a>[https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","Likes":null,"Dislikes":null,"DesignTrivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger"},"links":[{"title":"Killer Conscience"},{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#20 17 April 2023, 20:56:23 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 17520 (+1404) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[Killer Conscience][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","people_name":"Charles charger","parsed":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[Killer Conscience][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":"<ul>\r\n<li>Charles is a part of To the Nth Degree.<\/li>\r\n<li>His birth name is Cyrel, chose \"Charles\" an identity cover<\/li>\r\n<li>Was trained by Chitose. He currently (pretends to) work in the publishing company she established to camouflage their presence in the city.<\/li>\r\n<li>In a relationship with Pierce. Their relationship playlist is here: Cars &amp; Kisses<\/li>\r\n<li>Has a large knife collection<\/li>\r\n<li>Owns a dog named Fabio.<\/li>\r\n<li>Prefers classical music, knows how to play piano and can replay pieces by ear. Is currently learning to play the violin.<\/li>\r\n<li>Charles was originally a carsona, his design is based off of the 2005 Dodge Charger.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","people_name":"Charles charger"},"links":[{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#19 17 April 2023, 20:54:41 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 16116 (+752) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[Killer Conscience][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger","parsed":{"description":"<p>Charles (CC) works as a hitman at night and has an office job cover during the day. Skilled in many areas, he&rsquo;s not one to be trifled with. He enjoys playing piano and late night drives. He is heavily engrossed with his partner Pierce, who gave him the nickname CC; he would be willing to die for Pierce under any circumstance. Chitose is his boss and mentor, he learned mostly everything from her.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[Killer Conscience][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger"},"links":[{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#18 17 April 2023, 20:52:34 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 15364 -
{"data":{"description":"<p>A Florida man with a secret.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[Killer Conscience][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger","parsed":{"description":"<p>A Florida man with a secret.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[Killer Conscience][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger"},"links":[{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#17 17 April 2023, 20:52:33 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 15364 (+1606) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>A Florida man with a secret.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[Killer Conscience][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Pierce]] . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Chitose]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p>[[Simon]] . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger","parsed":{"description":"<p>A Florida man with a secret.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[Killer Conscience][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":"<p>To investigate a large city in Florida that may house an enemy faction that poses a threat to Chitose, Charles and many of his co-workers are stationed there under the guise of a publishing and editing company. To blend in with the local scene, Charles created a Facebook in search for others in the area that he could befriend and use as a cover up. This is where he meets Pierce Prix, who becomes his lover later in life; through a forum about car enthusiasts in the area, Charles first reaches out to Pierce, finding him to be less old and ugly than most of the group. They soon meet up and build up a friendship, which for Charles, in the beginning, was nothing more than a cover to remain inconspicuous to those watching closely. Many things transpire in the future.....<\/p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>To Be Continued<\/strong>.<\/p>","Relationships":"<div class=\"row no-gutters table-responsive text-muted\">\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/file\/f2-toyhou-se\/characters\/3997656?1569257144\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/1.Pierce\" class=\"text-primary\">Pierce<\/a> . Boyfriend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' favorite person; he can never live without him. He first saw Pierce as an annoyance and nothing more, but it wasn't long before Charles fell for him. When it comes to Pierce and his safety, Charles is willing to kill for, and even die for him. They marry later in life.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\" p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602182?1564214903\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Chitose\" class=\"text-danger\">Chitose<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Chitose recruited and trained Charles for many years, molding him into a trained killer at her own expense. Despite their visible dislike for each other, they do care for each other deep down, considering each other to be family, though neither will admit it.<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<div class=\"p-1 row no-gutters\">\r\n<div class=\"text-center hidden-md-down p-2\"><img class=\"fr-rounded\" style=\"width: 100px;\" src=\"https:\/\/\/characters\/4602381?\" alt=\"IMG URL\" \/><\/div>\r\n<div class=\"col-lg p-2\">\r\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/special\/create-wanted\/Simon\" class=\"text-danger\">Simon<\/a> . Friend<\/p>\r\n<hr class=\"my-2\" \/>\r\n<div class=\"table-responsive text-muted\" style=\"max-height: 200px;\">Charles' first love, or close to it. They dated when he was 21, but the relationship was very short lived. They meet again later in life, and Simon even moves in with him. They no longer have feelings for each other and consider themselves friends. .<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","Trivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger"},"links":[{"link_id":1},{"title":"Chitose"},{"title":"Simon"}]},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
#15 17 April 2023, 20:39:27 EDT
Page Updated
Length: 9162 (+6538) -
{"data":{"description":"<p>A Florida man with a secret.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[Killer Conscience][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":null,"Relationships":null,"Trivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger","parsed":{"description":"<p>A Florida man with a secret.<\/p>","Name":"Charles","Age":"28","Birthday":"January 1st","Height":"6'0","Species":"Human","Gender":"Male","Nationality":"Filipino American","Race":"Asian","Orientation":"Gay","Occupation":"Hitman","Theme":"Don't Mess With Me","Playlist":"[Killer Conscience][https:\/\/\/playlist\/5uYDeACrljhfEG0SpkdMcD?si=pWwCV696RFC-pXbrx52NoQ]","Personality":"<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Stoic, Suave, Dangerous.<\/p>\r\n<p>A seemingly suave businessman who lives a double life as a contracted hitman. Puts up a pleasant front with those he deems useful, but the facade usually falls short, as he is easily annoyed and will show it through the use of intimidation tactics. In addition to having a habit of being overly sarcastic, he also doesn't hesitate to give people the cold shoulder, easily ignoring conversations directed at him when peeved. Charles is also not one to so easily open up and offer himself to others; he prefers privacy above all, growing irritated when people try to pry into his past and personal life. He grows kinder to those he adores, most notably towards his lover; it's a stark contrast and complete switch that surprises most.<\/p>","History":null,"EarlyLife":"<p>Charles Charger, originally named Cyrel [Redacted], was Born on January 1st, 1988 in the Philippines where he lived for the first few years of his life. He lived with his mother and presumably his father until the age of 3 when his mother and father seperated. After the seperation, Charles and his mother traveled to America where his mother married the father of Mason Mountaineer. When Charles was 7, his stepfather died and consequently, his mother was tasked with taking care of both Charles and Mason alone since mason had little capability to care for him. Soon after, due to losing her husband, Charles' mother suffered mentally and grew hysteric. Her newly onset delusions caused her to unhealthily idolize her step son, Mason, while hating Charles to the point of physically abusing him, creating many of the scars he has today. As time went on, Mason, who was 6 years older than Charles, was treated as the golden child of the family. Favoritism in the household was apparent; their mother took out loans to shower Mason with gifts and sent him to private school, while Charles had to attend public school where he was bullied frequently and was forced to work a part-time job at a very young age.<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>When Charles was 16 and Mason was then away attending college, things grew worse as debt collectors started to come to their house, threatening him and his mother, demanding repayment for the money that his mother borrowed to provide for Mason. In an effort to gain his mother's love and appraisal, Charles started to work for the same gang his mother barrowed money from in an attempt to repay the debt for his labor. Due to this, he had to take on jobs that were illegal and morally dangerous. When Charles tried to leave the gang, it was too late, as his mother encouraged him to continue to work so that she could countinue to borrow money. From the physical and mental stress, Charles dropped out of high school and continued making money to get out of the continuous debt. At 19, he participated in a robbery where he accidentally fatally shot a hostage. It was an event that scarred him for life and was the first major step in changing his being forever. At that age, Charles also dealt with a range of frequent abuse from multiple parties. He also finally began to hate his mother, who had started to become ill from cancer. At age 21 he came in contact with Chitose Corvette, the daughter of a 'Mobster', who saw a lot of talent in him and soon she took him on as a apprentice to work for her. This led Charles to being a hitman and officially leave behind his past as well as changing his name to Charles Charger.&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n<p>His time with Chitose, in the beginning, was grueling and torturous. He had even attempted to escape her; on the run, he ended up meeting his then boyfriend, now ex, Simon Scion, and stayed in his home for a few months before being found by Chitose. Unbeknownst to Charles, Simon did sell out his location to Chitose for money, which Simon later regrets. After this, Charles never ran away again and continued to train, leading him to soon become a master at his job.&nbsp;<\/p>","Present":null,"Relationships":null,"Trivia":null,"people_name":"Charles charger"}},"title":"Charles","is_visible":"1","summary":null,"utility_tag":null,"page_tag":null}
122 results found.