Skylar : Version #473
Skylar (Sky) is a high school student that becomes a host and a bartender later in life. His hobbies include boxing, working out and driving his motorcycle.
Heir to a mass business run by his father, he is later replaced by his younger half-brother, Kain. Skylar is a romantic at heart who has been in love with his childhood friend, Valentine, and his feelings continue into adulthood.
Contents [Expand]
2. History
2.0.1. Early Life
2.0.2. Present
3. Relationships
4. Appearance and Design
4.0.1. Style
4.0.2. Inspiration
5. Lifestyle and Health
5.0.1. Health History
5.0.2. Lifestyle
6. Trivia
6.0.2. Dislikes
Personality Hide
Tsundere, carefree, rich
Sky has a very agressive attitude in his highschool years, which made him prone to fighting. Despite his short temper he isnt hard to get along with prying himself on being funny and fun to be around. When hes older he's alot more lenient and alot less angry but not by much. Has a tendency to hide how he's feeling when he's sad or dissapointed.
History Hide
Early Life
Relationships Hide
Appearance and Design Hide
- In a relationship with Valentine. Their relationship playlist is here: Keep Scrolling
- Loves fighting and boxing
- Works as a host when he's older
- Owned a motorcycle in high school but owns a moped when he's older.
- Gave Valentine his own helmet in high school, Skylar left it with him when he left town.
- Only grows to be 5'7" in adulthood.
Lifestyle and Health Hide
Health History
Trivia Hide
- Fighting
- Motocycles
- Vei :)
- Working out
- His father
- Being poor
- Tall people
- generic brands