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Person ・ Side Characters
Chisato : Version #582
Contents [Expand]
1. Personality
2. History
2.0.1. Early Life
2.0.2. Present
3. Relationships
4. Appearance and Design
4.0.1. Style
4.0.2. Inspiration
5. Lifestyle and Health
5.0.1. Health History
5.0.2. Lifestyle
6. Trivia
6.0.2. Dislikes
2. History
2.0.1. Early Life
2.0.2. Present
3. Relationships
4. Appearance and Design
4.0.1. Style
4.0.2. Inspiration
5. Lifestyle and Health
5.0.1. Health History
5.0.2. Lifestyle
6. Trivia
6.0.2. Dislikes
Personality Hide
History Hide
Early Life
Relationships Hide
Appearance and Design Hide
- General clothing preferences. Likes, dislikes, favorite colors?: Likes fall colors and long sleeve/baseball style shirts. He usually wears long sleeves to hide his scars.
- Wardrobe, amount of clothes they own. How often do they buy clothes?: Very small wardobe and rarely buys clothes.
- Work clothes vs leisure clothing. Special work items? What do they wear to bed?: Wears scrubs to work and regular sleep clothes.