You are viewing a version of this page created at 17 May 2023, 23:35:15 EDT by baratomott. This
is not this page's most recent version.
Person ・ Side Characters
Leon : Version #275
Contents [Expand]
1. Personality
2. History
2.0.1. Early Life
2.0.2. Present
3. Relationships
4. Appearance and Design
4.0.1. Style
4.0.2. Inspiration
5. Lifestyle and Health
5.0.1. Health History
5.0.2. Lifestyle
6. Trivia
6.0.2. Dislikes
2. History
2.0.1. Early Life
2.0.2. Present
3. Relationships
4. Appearance and Design
4.0.1. Style
4.0.2. Inspiration
5. Lifestyle and Health
5.0.1. Health History
5.0.2. Lifestyle
6. Trivia
6.0.2. Dislikes